Page 192 - Ebook NGTK 2017

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Nông nghiệp, Lâm nghiệp và Thuỷ sản 178
in form of fresh bulbs; tea in form of fresh buds, coffee in form of dry kernel,
rubber in form of dried latex, fruits in form of fresh fruits, etc.
Yield of agricultural crops
refers to the main product per one area unit of a
certain agricultural crop or group of agricultural crops actually harvested in a
production season or in a year on average planted area.
For annual crops:
Planted yield
Harvested production
Planted area
Harvested yield =
Harvested production
Harvested area
For perennial crops:
Harvested yield
(season, year)
Harvested production (year)
Productive area (year)
Harvested area
: An indicator refers to the total cultivated/planted area of a
certain crop or group of crops in a year, from which the crop production is reached
at least 30% of yield of the ordinary year. For annual crops, harvested area is equal
the cultivated area minus complete loss area; for perennial crops, it is equal
productive area minus complete loss area.
Production of cereals include
output of paddy, maize, and others grain crops
such as wheat, millet, kaoliang, etc. produced in a given period of time. This
indicator does not include production of starchy root crops.
Production of paddy
(also known as production of paddy in basket) is the
clean and dried paddy output of all crops in the year. The paddy output of a year is
valid for that year, excluding loss during harvest, transport, and threshing, etc.
(destroyed by mice, loss in fields, damage before storage).
Production of maize
is the output of clean and dried maize harvested during
the year.
Production of starchy root crops
refers to the output of cassava, sweet
potatoes, winged yam, taro, edible canna, and other starchy root crops produced in a
given period.
The number of livestock, poultry and other domestic animals
is the number
of heads of livestock, poultry or others alive in the process of livestock production
at the time of enumeration, including:
Number of livestock includ
es total existing number of buffaloes and cattle
at the time of observation (including the newly born cattle within 24 hours); total