Page 340 - Ebook NGTK 2017

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Giáo dục, đào tạo và khoa học, công nghệ 316
Enrolment rate of general education
is measured as the percentage between
the number of students attending school in the school year t and total general
school-aged population in the school year t.
- Primary school-aged population is from 6 to 10 years old;
- Lower secondary school-aged population is from 11 to 14 years old;
- Upper secondary school-aged population is from 15 to 17 years old.
Rate of graduates of upper secondary education
is measured as the
percentage between the number of graduates of upper secondary school and total
number of pupils taking graduation exam of upper secondary school.
Rate of repeaters and drop-out
ismeasured as the percentage between the
number of repeaters, drop-out in the school year and total enrolled pupils at
the beginning of the reference school year.
Rate of repeaters can be measured by grade and schooling level.
Number of pupils enrolling illiteracy eradication classes
is the number
of pupils attending illiteracy eradication classes under the literacy eradication
program and continuation education upon the completion of level 3 of the
illiteracy eradication program, equivalent to grade 3 of primary school.
in continuation classes
are those who are attending supplementary education
classes under the irregular education program in order to obtain the diploma of
the national education system in the form of part-time, distance learning and
guided-self learning.
Professional secondary school
is a training institute within national
education system that provides training for workers with basic skills and
professional knowledge to enable working independently and creatively and
applying technology on their job.
Teachers of professionalsecondary education
are classroom teachers,
heads and vice heads of subjects, director and deputy director of faculties and
practical skill instructors in the professional secondary schools; including full-
time teachers (who are permanent staff, long-term contracts from one year and
above) and those who are in the probationary period but have more than 50%
of teaching time.
Students of professional secondary school
are those whose names are
listed in schools and attending courses at these schools.
is an educational institute within national education system which